International Master Programs

Admission Intake 2022 – 2024

Why International Master Programs by Bach Khoa

Enhance management knowledge, skills, and capabilities in Construction disciplines

Practice-oriented programs with experienced & expertise lecturers & instructors

Overseas field trips to broaden knowledge and diversify experiences

Earn international degrees, programs’ medium of instruction is English

Be together with us to advance your career paths

About us

International Master Programs of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology – Bach Khoa (BK-IMP) aims at providing professionally managerial background for engineers who are seeking intensive professional and practical knowledge in their disciplines, together with essential skill sets to become prospective managers.

Furthermore, the fast-pace development of the economy 4.0 requires higher skills and adaptation from the workforce, thus successful engineers should master the following skill pillars:
● Specialized hard skills;
● Interpersonal & professional skills;
● Conceptual skills.

The skill pillars in combination will create a solid foundation for learners’ success in their career paths.

Training areas

Master in Construction Management

Master in Petroleum Engineering

Master in Telecommunication Engineering

Master of Computer Science

  • Cyber Security
  • Data Science

Our Expertise Lecturers

At BK-IMP, our lecturers are professionals from various fields, domestically and globally. Highly experienced in teaching, researching, consulting and so on, they are not only great teachers, but also trustful instructors for our students. BK-IMP commits that 15% of the lecturers are from prestigious international partner universities. We believe that this will create a balance between knowledge, technology and methods, which will give students a better approach to the international working environment.

Dr. Ta Quoc Dung

Dr. Ta Quoc Dung

Dean of Geology and Petroleum Engineering Faculty

Dr. Huynh Phu Minh Cuong

Dr. Huynh Phu Minh Cuong

Vice Dean of Electrical – Electronics Engineering Faculty

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luong Van Hai

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luong Van Hai

Vice Dean of Civil Engineering Faculty

4 steps to be an “IMPer”

1. Registering for consulting & scholarship information

2. Apply online

3. Interview

4. Get result

Register Now


Room 306, Building A4 - HCMC University of Technology 268 Ly Thuong Kiet Str., Ward 14, Dist. 10, HCMC

+84 28 7300 4183 | +84 3 3264 3264


We will send you detailed information about the scholarship program, including instructions to prepare your application. Please double check your contact information before clicking “Submit”.

Interested Program *

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